Marketing Team Writing Competition
Today I am coming to you with some very exciting news! The World of Olympians Marketing Team is hosting its very first Writing Competition. This is very exciting indeed, here are the things you need to know when entering this event.

- From : Jaret Donnelly

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Agustus Arrius

Agustus Arrius Good luck to participating people. I'm not participating cause the websites is still awesome without vip. Even if you win vip for free I don't care. Or about the money. But good luck people who participate.

Emberleigh Rayne

Emberleigh Rayne Good luck!

Chase Cromie

Chase Cromie I'M IN! Writing teehee :P

Luna Umbra

Luna Umbra Oh, I am so doing this. :D Good luck to everyone!

Cassivelle Thomas

Cassivelle Thomas Sounds fun! Good luck everyone!

christopher Suarez

christopher Suarez ill try

Angela Blackbourn

Angela Blackbourn Go go go!

Sae Rose

Sae Rose Ooh... writing competition? COUNT ME IN!

Antares Vilatron

Antares Vilatron Good luck!

Kiara Colombe

Kiara Colombe Good luck everyone!!! Can't wait to see who wins!

Missing Camper

Missing Camper yes! i will for sure join thi!

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