♡ -- Demigod Delicacies: The First Bite

- From : Cassandra Escarra

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Anemone Maverick

Anemone Maverick Clue # 4:
To find the next clue, the boysens again you must seek
Perhaps at the job list you might want to take a peek
For this messenger is the youngest of them all
And there might be treasure up on their wall

Marshall Criptz

Marshall Criptz Kitty cakes! They look too cute to eat!

Ixion Maverick

Ixion Maverick My daughter is an amazing chef! Next gordon ramsey. Great job, nem

Celeste Grayson

Celeste Grayson This looks amazing!! I will definitely be trying this recipe at home!! Thanks Anemone <33

Anita Elizabeth

Anita Elizabeth Cat cakesss!!!

Wren Delante

Wren Delante YUM! This looks so good!

Heiyu Tsang

Heiyu Tsang That looks amaZHANG! Thanks so much!

Ezio Mercer

Ezio Mercer I'm SO HUNGRY NOW XD

Eris Myrto

Eris Myrto Omg this is adorable!!

Cassandra Escarra

Cassandra Escarra this is just the cutest blog ever!

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