This Week In History
Hello everyone! I’m Sebastian Sonder, and I’m here to tell you what all happened this week, but not this year. We’re diving back to the past to see what happened way back then! So, let’s start with today, shall we?

- From : Harrick Myles

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Leyana Leander

Leyana Leander Amazing job Sebastian! So much about History that I have no idea about, I regret not listening to my history teacher while she was teaching it D: Maybe I can learn from this series! Thank you so much Sebastian :D

Messiah McKinnon

Messiah McKinnon great facts seb seb!

Thomas Simons

Thomas Simons Great job! I liked the April Fools one but they're all pretty nice

Celeste Grayson

Celeste Grayson Fantastic job Seb!!!

Ashina Lahiri

Ashina Lahiri Great blog Seb!

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