Godly Weapons
It's common knowledge that every God and Goddess must have a distinctive weapon, but you might not know the history of each one! Do you want to know the history of each godly weapon? Then this is the series for you!

- From : Harrick Myles

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Haley Jackson

Haley Jackson Awesome article! Can’t wait for the next one!

Lilith Shine

Lilith Shine Ooh, this was interesting! I really like Hermes in Greek Mythology and in PJO, so this hooked me to read <3

Sophia Nelson

Sophia Nelson Beautiful article, Charlotte. Hermes loves his snake-stick

Stark Alto

Stark Alto Great article! Hermes would approve!

Oliver Stancer

Oliver Stancer Oh my! I love this ! Especially the little fun facts at the end of it ! It gives it some good vibes :D

Emrys Fernandinho

Emrys Fernandinho Hermes is such a nice guy. He shows so much love...

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