Hera's Spotlight

OOOH CAMPERS! Did ya miss me? Shh.. hold the applause, I missed you all as well. Welcome back to another riveting episode of Hera's Spotlight! This week we're going to be looking at Pegasi! 

They're the wicked cool winged horses that come in all sorts of colors. There are brown ones, white ones, black ones, and mixed colors. Not purple though, I asked. 

Now one really popular pegasus is Blackjack. He belonged to Percy Jackson himself! Cool, right? 



So originally they all came from the main Pegasus, hence their name. He was from Medusa, the Gorgon chick with the snake hair. She was his mom with Poseidon being his dad. Don't ask. I don't know. He delivered thunderbolts to Zeus and was solid white. Blackjack did not inherit that color since he was solid black. 

A few other well known Pegasi are Guido, Porkpie, and Scipio! High key recommend petting one if you ever see them! 







Written by Niklaus Sawyer
