||   Edition #001   ||   Year 26, Week 6   ||

Topic of the Week: Clubs

written by
Haden Mclean

Hello Fellow Demigods! My name is Haden Mclean coming to you with Topic of The Week. This post, I’ll be talking about Clubs!

Clubs are pretty interesting here on site, for example. You can talk with friends, participate in fun jobs, or make your own activities. I highly recommend either joining some clubs, applying for clubs, or making one of your own!

Socializing: Clubs give a high level of socializing for demigods who don’t like to participate in big lengthy topics, or just don’t feel like writing. Most clubs have forums that you and your friends can topic on, come up with ideas, or just talk about random stuff. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Clubs are also great because you can but don’t have to pay to get into one. You can just join one that hundreds of people are already in! There great for people who want some privacy, but don’t want to pay. (Well one of you guys have to pay)


Applications: Some official clubs, like job related clubs. These specific clubs require you to apply for it before you can join. This can be fun, or stressful. But mostly exciting. This helps people who have jobs communicate, more communication means you can get more awesome blog posts like mine, and others!

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Making Clubs: If you want a club to your specific liking, you can pay the small fee to have one of your own. With this, you can manage who gets in and who doesn’t. What forums there are, the coding, and what the whole club is about! It’s really exciting if you want both privacy and I guess power!

Well that’s all for this weeks Topic of The Week! I’ll see you next Thursday. This is Haden Mclean signing out.

If you may have a blog idea you'd like to see on the site, don't be afraid to message Cyrus Knightley-Brown.
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