Godly Spotlight

Article #001 | Godly Spotlight

Godly Spotlight: Athena

by Annaliese Jackson
ey everyone! How are you all doing today? I hope it's good because we’ve cool Gods and Goddesses to put on the spotlight. For today I’m going to tell the true story of Athena and trust it's a cool story.

As many of you know, Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare but she was also one the Twelve Olympians meaning she had an importance as a Goddess and also it was believed she ruled and protected the land of Athens. In Greek Mythology, Athena was also believed to have been born from Zeus’ forehead. Athena was also said to be the favourite of Zeus so she held a lot of power.

In the city of Athens, there is an ancient building called The Parthenon, that is said to be for Athena the Virgin. Her main symbols was the owl is used to symbol wisdom, the olive tree is so show that she once ruled Athens, Shield and Armor because as well as being the Goddess of Wisdom she was also the Goddess of warfare, she also bet Poseidon (The God of The Sea) in a competition which outraged Posiedon but he also gained respect for her since Posiedon was a pretty powerful God.

In all in all Athena is a respected Goddess not only because of her power but also because of what she stood for. Athena wanted a fair life for everyone who lived in Athens and also fought in the many battles they had.

Athena doesn’t just represent beauty she represents intelligence, strength,determination. Athena shows it's perfectly ok to be intelligent and a strong leader.

So what did you think let us know in the comments what you think about her story!

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