Meet Avisera!
""I just figured, if i'm going to be a mess, might as well be a hot mess, right?"
Ahh finally, it's time for the lovely Masters on our website! These golden staff members are quite the team, as all others, and we have a greppy introduction for the first Master, Avisera Saelau. Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @worldofolympians and show Avisera's post some love just like the other staff posts.

staff gif

Avisera is a part of the Nature cluster and an amazing daughter of Apollo. She also has a twin brother, Artemio. Avi stands at about 6ft and she wears heels, when she can, making her pretty tall. Avi enjoys archery, going on walks and runs, and writing poetry with dad jokes.

Avisera isn't much of a fan of the dark (like most Apollo kids), she doesn't really enjoy bugs, cramped spaces, or even garages? For some weird reason..

Tomorrow you will get to know yet another bright Master and not just because of their wonderful golden color, but they are definitely pretty bright!

Cyrus Brown, Marketing Master
© Code by Aliyah