Tunes Around Camp
Rumor - K.A.R.D
This week's music suggestion was submitted by our very own Ren Winters. I would like to thank him for making this weeks blog possible. Remember if you'd like to submit a song for a review send them to myself Ivan Lillis.

I will be reviewing Rumor from the K-POP group K.A.R.D. The link will be posted below if you'd like to listen as well.

The beat of the song is very upbeat and pulls your ears right into the song before they even began singing. Looking at the lyrics of the song you can clearly tell that this persons love is rumored to have found someone else, while this person seems to still love them.

Now aside from my review, we also have some words from our own Serenity Lillis over this song. "I liked the background music. The video it’s self I like how they did it. I liked the song even if it was hard to keep up because I was listening to it and reading the lyrics. :P however I think it was very good. I liked it. :)"


PS: The Social Media Team is accepting applications if you'd enjoy doing something fun like this. Check out the Social Media club for the application + requirements.