Meet Ayalin!
"Keep your dreams alive, just stop by my cabin."
Today we'll be getting to know a mysterious change in the staff, Mystery Head of Cluster: Ayalin Igleneisa. As always, be sure to follow us on Instagram at @worldofolympians and show Ayalin's post some love just like the other staff posts.

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Now let us meet Mama Mystery. Before stepping into this role, Ayalin was an Assistant Instructor on an account by the name of Jamie Swift and she is quite the point collector. She is also the status owner of Hypnokinesis! Ayalin loves the outdoors, ferrets, and experimenting with things.

Ayalin is part of Mystery and a daughter of Hecate (what's up with the Hecate kids??) Ayalin is a caring, thoughtful person who thinks of others before herself. Whether that means giving out advice, pie, or both while lending a listening ear, she’ll be there. Although she has told me personallg that you shouldn't insult her friends or she'll put you to sleep.

Tommorrow will be the last of our Head of Clusters, our Mama Fork!

Cyrus Brown, Marketing Master
© Code by Aliyah