Queue The Music!!
Volume 2

Yippee Kai Yay! I'm back with another sort of informational article about music. For newer readers, I am one with the music. Each week, I bring you a genre, an artist and a song of the week! These genres are totally randomized and part of a long list of fun music genres, I have pinned above my desk. If you do have any suggestions, do let me know!! I love to hear feedback, and advice, songs, and anything else, you might want to see from me!

Last week we talked about Soul Music! This week we shall be delving into the very complex world of Hip Hop. It was mainly a cultural movement, with an amazing music style that came out of it. It is very rambly, and if you're confused on this information, do your own research! It always helps to have a second source!

Hip Hop, has main forms, because it's a cultural movement in addition to music. Obviously, we'll be discussing the musical part of the movememnt, but we shall touch upon these other parts. This subculture emerged in the Bronx in NYC during the 1970's. It reflected the discourse going on in that era, econimic collapse, political fueds, and the lack of industrilization of the area. As stores, and warehouses closed, people in these neighborhoods, started holding block parties in these abandoned buildings. This layed the framework for Dj's to come in, along with MC's. The portable sound systems made it easier to have music. Pretty soon, MC's started speaking over the music, slowly emerging into early rap music. At these block parties, cardboard was used for break dancers, and brick walls lead to graffiti.

When music technology developed, it made it easier for these newer sounds to be used to make these rap songs. Synthesizers, drum machines and basses, became cheaper, allowing more music to be made! Samplers were easier to use than turntables, and people started mixing old sounds, speeches and songs together, and then overlapping their voices. This was the first form of remxing. During the late 80's early 90's, Hip Hop spread through out the nation, and it became 'a golden age' for this style. Many big artists emerged, and record labels were made. There were two sides of Hip Hop. The West Coast, and the East Coast. West Coast was more laid back and chill, whereas East Coast was harder, heavier and had darker meanings. These two sides were fueding constantly, but of course, both sides were good music!

In these four boxes, I have four soul artists, that I reccomend that you check out!
Tupac Shakur
Tupac is quite amazing. An activist, and amazing artist, I reccomend checking him out! I will say most of these artists do use a couple of profanities, so if that upsets you, then I don't think that this week is the best week for you! ;)
Cleverly named, and a fantastic artist, he is one to look out for! His songs aren't as heavy as some, so if you are looking for more of lighter theme, he is the one to go too!
This. Listen, and the rhyming. It's amaizing, he's amazing, and yes!
More Artists!
Go do your own research! There is a lot out there, and you'll find your style, and preferences! Google works wonders!!

Oh right, you need your song of the week! This week's song of the week is.....

Knock you out!
written by:
Ziza Fernson
And there we have it folks! Check back next week, for some more boppin' sounds!

coded by Issie