Meet Theo!
"Time has a very specific way of showing itself, so don't let history repeat itself."
Ahh, it's finally time for our wonderful cherries on World of Olympians. Today we'll be getting to know our Nature Head of Cluster, Theorendon Castellanos, but of coursec before we do, we'd LOVE for you guys to follow us on Instagram at @worldofolympians and show Theo's post some love just like the other staff posts.

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Now onto introducing our wonderful Papa Leaf: Theorendon Castellanos! Theo is obviously a part of the Nature cluster and a son of Dionysus, the god of wine. Before becoming a Head of Cluster, Theo was the History Instructor at Camp.

Theo is...crazy. He's like the crazy, chaotic uncle of World of Olympians. Of course, we love this wild son of Dionysus though! Theodoren has been apart of the Camp staff for 9 years and despite being old, he's still looks pretty and young!

Now, tommorow we'll have a more Mighty member of our staff for you all to get to know!

Cyrus Brown, Marketing Master

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