Camper of the Month

October 2022

Hello fellow campers! Welcome to the latest episode of: Camper of the Month! It's time to appreciate those who make our time in Camp Half-Blood more bearable. We are so proud to bring you our first Camper of the Month. She is known as the Camp Mom, and is always a welcoming presence in chat. Give a warm round of applause to Septembers's Camper of the Month:

Jinxx Shadows

We thought we'd ask her some questions, so her fellow Campers would get to know her better.
The Marketing Team
Congratulations! You're our camper of the month! What was your reaction like after reading the news?
Jinxx Shadows
I was extremely surprised. I never expected to be chosen for camper of the month!
The Marketing Team
Well, someone definitely thought you'd deserve it! Why don't you tell us something about the person behind Jinxx?
Jinxx Shadows
Well the person behind Jinxx... I am a person who is extremely kind but I also suffer from low self-esteem.
The Marketing Team
If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Jinxx Shadows
I would have to say Geoff Castellucci's cover of 'Far Over The Misty Mountains'.... That man's bass voice is the 8th wonder of the world!
The Marketing Team
I'll definitely look it up later. Is there a motto that always accompanies you through your life?
Jinxx Shadows
I actually don't have a motto, but I would love to hear what other's mottos are.
The Marketing Team
Mine's definitely "Be the change you wish to see in the world". Jinxx, If you could have any Godly Ability in Real Life, which one would it be?
Jinxx Shadows
I would have to say either Biokinesis or Shapeshifting. I could change to fit in to different situations.
The Marketing Team
Shapeshifting would've also been my pick. Thank you so much for the interview! Is there anything you would like to say to your fellow campers?
Don't give up. Even when things get rough, think about those who care for you and rely on them.

Now, Jinxx, We have a surprise for you. Two very special people in your life would like to say something to you:

Messages for Jinxx

Cash Bountan

Jinxx is my adoptive sister, and I love her to bits. I don't think words do her justice, but I hope she remembers to stop by my kitchen and bake some cookie with me some times.
Saiorice Artino

Jinxx is one of the wonderful people who I have been blessed to stumble across on this site. About a year ago, Jinxx adopted me as her daughter and welcoming me into an absolutely crazy family. She is a lovely person, though a bit clumsy, I might add.

Now fellow campers, it's up to you to decide, who will be our next camper of the month. You have time until Tuesday, 25th October 2022 to send an IM with your nominee to either Esme Nicholson or Helena Brown.
We need the following information:

  • Name and Cluster of your Nominee
  • At least two good reasons, why your Nominee deserves to be our camper of the month.

Please do not nominate yourself!
Look around site and see which campers make camp life a bit better for YOU!
This is your chance to show your appreciation for them.
Until next time, Campers!

coded by Issie