.: Divine Aesthetics :.

.: Volume 17 :.

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Divine Aesthetics with Ciaran! In this blog post, I will give you a set of pictures to represent a divine, or a deity, that is being chosen. You can absolutely use them as references, or anything that you wish to. Expect to see me weekly, and I hope you will enjoy the pictures I have chosen!

Now, the chosen divine for this edition would be....

.: Amphitrite :

(Disclaimer: The quote and the pictures do NOT belong to me.)

They still refuse
to spare the ocean of the pillage
even in the night.
You humans are truly persistent
when self-interests are involved.
- Shaine Lake -

That is it for this week's Divine Aesthetics! Again, I hope you enjoy these pictures. If you have any ideas for the next edition, feel free to send an Iris Message (IM) to me, Ciaran Colquhoun. See you again soon!

this blog post is made by

Ciaran Colquhoun