||   Edition #004   ||      ||

Topic of the Week: Articles

written by
Haden Mclean

Hi! I’m Haden Mclean and welcome back to this week’s issue of Topic of the week!

Today’s topic we will be diving deep into the wonderful world of Articles! Articles are amazing ways to give out important information for all the site users, spread fun ideas, host friendly competitions, and so much more!

Important Info? Most important information is given to users through articles. Some information can be new instructors, head of clusters, and others. These articles are highly important, and I suggest that you take a look at what they have to say.


Ideas? Stories? If you have the privilege to hold the job as an author, you get to write amazingly entertaining articles. They can be anything they wish to write. Weather its stories, interviews, and anything their creativity desires!

Reader of the Week

Florence Reza

Wanna be here? Just comment on this post!

Competitions! Call the Quest Team!Another category of articles are sent through the quest team. They use their hardworking, creative minds to come up with fun and amazing friendly competitions. Just watch when one pops up and you might get to participate! Sometimes even the Marketing Team, holds little competitions as well!

Well, that’s all the time we have left. I hope you explore and read all the articles possible! Have fun and I’ll see you next week! This is Haden Mclean signing out.

If you may have a blog idea you'd like to see on the site, don't be afraid to message Cyrus Knightley-Brown. We're also currently hiring so don't be afraid to apply!
coded by Issie