Oh, what might this be? Well, this is none other than your brand new super duper cool blog! I am your (blog) host, Wesley Huerta, and I shall walk you through this lovely blog called "Choose Your Path!" Although I do think the name is a bit deceiving... but never mind that! In this blog, I shall run you through some different scenarios, all super fun and different every week. But don't read away too fast, because there is a PRIZE involved? *GASP* That's correct! I will choose a very special commenter of the week to showcase their awesome thoughts... and other than some very fun glory, they also get a mystery prize. Stay tuned to see what they win in TWO WEEKS.
Without further ado, here is the theme of the week!
You suddenly get to have ANY room you want. And yes, I mean ANY... conditions apply. You'll have to select one of these four rooms... which do you prefer?