Choose Your Path


Hello and welcome back to your regularly scheduled broadcast of 'CHOOSE YOUR PATH' wee-hoo! I can't believe it's already been two weeks? Can you? I think time is going by WAYYY too fast. But alas, we shall continue to the article.

Last week- err, I mean TWO weeks ago, I asked you about a skill you would have liked to acquire. I was pretty surprised (but not TOO surprised) with the results. I'm sure you all have your guesses, so scroll down if you want to know *what* won. Otherwise, if you're new here, you get to get a super cool debrief from me! Essentially, in this bi-weekly article, you get to choose between a few different options, with one being declared the winner in the next article!

And now we go to this week's options, which do you think is the best? I'm sure it must be hard to decide!:D


Oh goodness, wealth and glory! Or even both! Do you prefer being born into royalty with all the amazing titles or would you like to work yourself into fame and become an icon? Maybe wealth is enough for you. We'll see what the polls say in the next edition! ;)
Which of these paths would you rather have?

Have you decided? Submit your choice here:
So who might be the winner of the second 'Choose Your Path' you might ask? It appears that mastering all languages took the trophy, with a whopping SIXTY percent of voters deciding that mastering every single language would be their go-to option! I'm not surprised though, it is quite a useful skill! Plus, for travelers, you get to impress ALL the locals!!

And in another strange twist of events, I couldn't pick between these two very amazing comments, so I am rewarding both for their awesome thoughts- but every single comment was so amazing and much appreciated!!

Lo Calopie


"Master all instruments! It would be so easy to impress your friends! Like, if someone is really mad at you you can just play some music to calm them down, and they would probably forget what you even did to make them mad! You could also put out all your anger into music and this is good for you! Also, you would be one of the best musicians there is, so if you like fame, then it's a great choice! Mastering all languages is also cool, but all instruments is way better! Also, I love this blog idea, it's so cool to understand what other people like!"

I totally agree! Although instruments wasn't the winner for this week, I think playing them all would make you one of the best musicians ever. Besides, they do say music is the universal language :D

Anita Elizabeth


"Talking to all animals for sure! Choosing to talk to all animals feels like a sweet,heartwarming hug from nature. It's like having a warm and welcoming chat with furry friends, chirping birds, and slithery snakes, making every day a sweet adventure in the animal kingdom. Talking to them might also reduce the risk of getting attacked too."

Aww, this is totally so adorable and I agree! You can be an animal whisperer, which can totally keep you safe in certain circumstances xD

Thank you all for participating! I can't wait to see what everyone thinks in this round, and of course, cognrats to the winners! I hope you get some good cards from your prize!!

And if you've missed the link above, you can access it right over here!
© Lena