|| celebration time!!!! ||
As December continues on, we are entering our second holiday; Hanukkah. It starts at sunset on the 7th and lasts until the 15th. A relatively minor holiday that has slowly gained more attention due to its closeness to Christmas, it is meant to commemorate the Maccabees’ revolt against the Seleucid Empire. During this time in order to rededicate a temple which had been taken and celebrate a recent victory, oil was brought to light the menorah. However, there was only enough oil to last the night. This oil was lit and while not originally thought to last long surprised everyone by lasting a full eight nights.


Hanukkah, also known as Chanukah, is celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayer, fried food and family. A little fun fact to know is the word itself, Chanukah, means dedication.


Throughout the course of the eight days, families spend time together doing various activities such as lighting the menorah, playing dreidel games, singing songs, eating foods and spreading holiday cheer. Fried food is especially prevalent due to the focus on the miracle oil for the holiday.


Those who attend temple will find small adjustments made to their services including additional passages read from the Torah, and the lighting of hanukkah together as a community.

We will be doing things a little bit different for this. We will be putting all of the events up at once so you can work on it in advance. I can't wait to experience a WoO first ever experience with you all!


Day 1
For the first day of celebration, I want you to send eight gifts to friends, family, others? on site! It can be gifts big or small, it doesn't matter.
Day 2
For our second day I will be having a question and answer session with you all with a very special guest. In order to participate, you can send your questions into my inbox (annoymous or not, just put so in the message) and I will deliver it to the speical guest who will answer it to the best of their ability.
Day 3
For day 3, I have an art project for you all. You will be designing your own menorah, you can use the template down below, but it is not required, you can use your own as well. The more creative, the better. Whoever has the most creative one will win a special prize.

Day 4
On day 4, the event will be a poem contest! In order to partipcate, you can write any kind of poem about Hanukkah, the only requirement is that it must be more than twenty-five words. Everyone who enters will have a prize, but the person who has the most creative peom will get something else as well!
Day 5
On day 5, I have another art project for you all! You will be designing your very own tzedakah box! I will not be giving a template for this, given that the boxes can come in all different sizes, shapes, colors and more. Whoever has the most creative box will win a special prize!
Day 6
On day 6, we will be playing dreidel games! You can play with your friends, family or even by yourself! Using the link below, you can have up to three other players join you in a fun game of dreidel!


Day 7
On day 7, I have prepared a very exciting scavenger hunts for you all! All across site there will be up to 10 items. Whoever finds all of the items the fastest, they will get a special prize. However, everyone that partipates will get a prize depending on how many items are found.
Day 8
On our final day of celebration, we will be having an article that contains all the answers to the questions you asked our special guest!
coded by Issie