Cassandra's Calico Chats


Given the nature of the Modern Muse and the areas it can cover, it gives me the perfect opportunity to talk about my new kitten. I brought it up in chat and a lot of you wanted me to write an article about my irl cat children. So here you go, your very own Cassandra's Calico Chats! So my new baby is six months old and she's calico. Her name is Penelope Claire and she’s sooo sweet and just wants to play play play or snuggle and purr when all that playing gets to be too much.


So far we’re on the first week of having her around. I really wasn’t expecting to get her considering I applied for her adoption back towards the end of October. BUT I will take the timing as a sign from the gods and hope that everything will work the way it is meant to. She’s just my little Hanukkah/Christmas gift to myself, I guess.

All in all, Hermione is a bit less than enthused to become a big sister. There was definitely a good bit of hissing and even a swat or two to the baby… (which lead to a seperation/time out) BUT that’s to be expected when bringing home a new kitten. If anything, it’s good that Hermione is setting her boundaries. I just hope that they begin to get along soon.. since the reason I got Penelope in the first place was so Hermione could have a companion and someone to play with. When that happens, that's when the real cuteness and magic will happen. <3


We’ll just have to take things day by day and see how it goes. Luckily I’ve gotten a lot of advice from my friends on how to get the introduction of big sister and little sister to go smoother.. Hopefully it involves less swatting of the baby in the days to come.

Do you have any advice, tips, suggestions? It’s been a good two and half years since I last had a kitten around.

Penelope Claire;
6 months

2.5 years old


Happy Hanukkah from

Cassandra, Hermione & Penelope Claire

coded by Issie