Flower Power

You might be wondering who I am, and why this blog has appeared on your screen. My name is Phythia Peony, and I am the best child of Aphrodite. Of course, others would likely say otherwise, but just do not listen to them. Listen to me instead! Anyways, being a child of Aphrodite comes with many perks. For one my beauty is drop-dead gorgeous, although that has nothing to do with my mother. Aphrodite children aren't just shallow and all about their looks, except me I am but can you blame me?! I mean look at me! So I am getting a tad off-topic, one of the perks is being able to make a flower bloom. In this bi-weekly blog, we shall take a closer look at flowers. Their beauty, their purpose, and of course appreciate the many different kinds. If you would like to learn about any other flowers, send me an Iris Message.
This week's flower is known as Dicentra, which doesn't really do the flower justice. There are a few other names for this flower which it may be more commonly known as. There is bleeding heart, then tearing heart, then a few uncommon ones that make no sense: Lady's Locket, Lady in a Boat, and Chinese Pants. This flower is probably one of my favorites because just the look and name gives away major Aphrodite child vibes. This flower is pink but it does have some white to it. The pink is so vibrant that you really do not notice the white. While the name of the flower might not give off much about its meaning. The flower symbolizes rebirth and renewal, as it is often times associated with spring time. If you are interested in this uniquely shaped flower it is native to North America as well as Eastern Asia. So you actually might be able to grow it yourself. Though it is typically found in wooded areas, such as a forest. It can also be found in unlikely places too, like on the side of a mountain. As for why it is called the bleeding heart it has to do with its shape. It looks like the shape of a heart, and as the flower opens dowards it is often said its bleeding. This plant may look pretty but I would not risk trying it as it is very toxic. The roots however can be used to help ease pain. If you are looking to give a flower to someone then this would be the perfect one as it means unconditional love.
Phythia Peony