Meaningful Names
Blog Written by: Phythia Peony | Apply to the Modern Muses Team
Hello Everyone! This is a blog that explores the names of the users on site. As there is a lot one can learn about someone if they first learn about their name. So are you ready to dive into this blog? Ready to see if the name fits the person? As well as to learn possibly something new, and learn about someone new? Then get comfortable as we are ready to begin!

Callix Collias
What is your character's name?
Callix Vita Collias

Why did you pick that name?
I chose the name because all parts of them were Greek derived, and very rare too even on this site. I was surprised to find that there is nobody else on WoO with the name Callix at all. In fact (I just figured this out right now) Calix and Callisto (my very own alt) are used interchangeably for the same nymph that caught the attention of Zeus. The boy name Calix was also derived from the name Callisto too. So somehow I unknowingly linked my two alts together!

I also could have left it Calix and Colias, but I decided a double L would be a lot more fun. The names I have right now don't actually have meanings, but I based them off of the originals, which do.

Does it have a meaning? If so what?
The meaning of Calix is "very handsome", which is pretty standard, but the name Colias is even better for me. The character analysis for the name is charming, easy-going, and loves to be in conversation. That was exactly what Callix's personality is! I couldn't have asked for a better last name. Finally, Vita. Vita has Latin origins and means life. I chose it because I knew I was going to be a Hebe child, and life seems to correlate pretty well with youth.

Does it fit your character?
Honestly I don't think I could think of a more fitting name. Somehow it all comes together, at least for me, and just makes a strangely bright and happy looking name for a bright and happy kid.

If you could change your name to anything else, what would it be and why? If I could change one thing about it, it might be my middle name. At the time I didn't know it was a girl's name, but now I'm stuck with it. I'm really trying to find a better name with the same meaning, but they're all female. Maybe Adonis? It means young, which also fits well with the whole Hebe thing.