Meaningful Names
Blog Written by: Phythia Peony | Apply to the Modern Muses Team
Hello Everyone! This is a blog that explores the names of the users on site. As there is a lot one can learn about someone if they first learn about their name. So are you ready to dive into this blog? Ready to see if the name fits the person? As well as to learn possibly something new, and learn about someone new? Then get comfortable as we are ready to begin!

Cassandra Escarra
What is your character's name?
Cassandra Emilia Escarra

Why did you pick that name?
I wanted her first name and her last name to have double letters.

Does it have a meaning? If so what?
Cassandra means “the one who shines and excels over men” or “she who entangles men”, Emilia means “rival, excels’, and Escarra means “left handed”

Does it fit your character?
I think the name is very fitting for Cassandra. She is very driven, headstrong and ready to prove herself capable.

If you could change your name to anything else, what would it be and why? Her name was almost Camilla, because as I mentioned before, I wanted to have a double letter first and last name. But then I liked Emilia as a middle name. So Camilla ended up being her mother’s name. But I was still without a name. So I started thinking back to Greek mythology and I remembered Cassandra, who was cursed with prophecy by Apollo. To add onto the curse, whatever prophecies were predicted were never believed by the people who were told to. It also helped that I always thought Cassandra was a pretty name. It also gives lots of space for nicknames.