Percy Jackson Character Creator

Hello Future or Current Demigods! I come bearing wonderful information for you. Have you ever wanted or needed help in creating a character? Have you felt you could do better? Just had a rough idea that needed more? You are in great luck as World of Olympians is the perfect place for you to live out your Then this is much needed advice for I shall share how you can create the ultimate character, with this epicly awesome...

Percy Jackson Character Creator

Did the title give it away? I should clarify that on World of Olympians there is not a button you press that generates a character for you, everything is created by you. Meaning you have free righn (within reason of the site rules) to go wild. This Percy Jackson Creator is really just how to create a character for the site.

Grab a paper, grab your pen, open a Word/Google document, and get your mind cleared, we are about to begin!

Let's start with the basics, this is going to bring your character to life! So let's give them a name! How do you think of a name? Is it your imaginary best friend's name, you finally want to create? Is it a name with a certain meaning? Is it someone who left an impact on you whether good or bad? Is it just a name that you heard, and instantly knew you wanted to use it? There are a few resources when it comes to creating a name. While you may not be creating a baby or having one, a Baby Name book is a wonderful place to begin. Sites such as ones of popular names currently trending, or even finding a name from the past that was popular at one time. Then there are also many sites you can find that provide name meanings. Say you want a name that means or is related to the sun, there are plenty of names you can come across with this meaning. Below you will be able to see many name generators as well as name-meaning sites that you can use. There is nothing wrong with using a site that creates a name, but you can create a better connection with the character when the name is well thought out, and one that you picked out. For an additional tip: So people watch shows or movies for what it's about but have you stayed to watch the credits it is wonderful to be able to see other people's names too, that you may also like.
Name Resources These are ones that I generally use, there are definitelymore out there!

Something else that is considered basic would be the age you want to play as. On World of Olympians you have the chance of signing up as age 8 to 13 (though there is the possibility of aging up by using in real-life money). The age you pick is up to you, and what you prefer. Everyone has an age that they either like, an age they don't like, an age they are comfortable with, and an age they aren't comfortable with. Many do enjoy writing a character similar to how they are in the real world, which also includes being a character close to their age. Though I do believe that being an excellent writer it is great to have experience writing as more than one age, stepping out of your comfort zone (within reason - meaning as long as not trigger you) to learn. For site, the reason for these ages is because the age of 8, was close to when Annabeth found camp [Annabeth arrived in camp at age 7]. Then the reason for the sign-up having a maximum of 13 is because of the promise in Percy had made that all demigods get claimed by their Godly Parent by their 13th birthday. These are very important parts of a demigod's life, so it is nice to start between these ages.

Now we shall move on to more difficult aspects when creating a character.

Finding the right face claim (this means profile picture) that represents your character. A face claim can be your favorite actor/actress, favorite dancer, artist, musician, singer, YouTuber, tiktoker, idol, etc. Now face claims may be difficult for some as they just do not know people, cannot find someone, or just don't know what they are looking for. A face claim represents what you imagine your character would look like. Take a few moments, close your eyes, and think to yourself, what color hair would they have? What style of hair would they have? What color eyes would they have? What ethnicity would they be? Now you already have the age as well as the gender you want so after this you already have an idea in mind of what you want your character to look like, now it is just finding them. A great resource that will be included below is known as Faceclaim directories, you can adjust these to find someone that you have described above to find your perfect fit!
Faceclaim Resources These are ones that I generally use, there are definitely more out there!
Non-Binary Faceclaims
Amazing Master list of PoC and Underused
This is a pinterest (not mine) but for child faceclaims

There are some basic personalities that someone could have, they could entirely be the stereotypical version of their Godly Parent. What I mean is take for instance a child of Athena who is incredibly smart, scared of spiders, and just an overall genius. (Now I'm not saying anything is wrong with this at all) It is however also a great idea to when you go against the stereotype of a Godly Parent, such as when you think of a child of Athena you think smart, but if your character while smart doubted their intellect, so instead of being right they always second guessed themselves, which made them wrong. Then there are other personalities to explore as well, being the friendly one, the one always wanting to make new friends, just someone kind. Personalities can be complex too, meaning they don't need to be just one thing. What if in the Mortal World, they are known for being mean and aggressive then in camp they are the kindest people? Imagine those worlds combining someone finding out... Then there is the mean person personality which does get a bad rap but if it is played correctly (not that there is an improper way) it can be really interesting. Such as why does someone act the way they do? Did they just wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Is it from their environment? Such as the house they live in and their family relationships shaping them. Is it trauma, they aren't mean but they have been broken so many times it is just a wall they put up so they aren't hurt anymore. Maybe they are just misunderstood, such as having difficulty in social settings unaware of how to respond to something, so they come off as mean but it isn't their intention. Then there is also the personality which could be based entirely on one thing. Have you seen a child's birthday party? It is just one concept they are obsessed over? Such as a butterfly theme, princess theme, or frog theme, having a character based solely on that. Some ways to give depth to characters are doing the homework on-site, doing topics with others, and then also answering questions. Questions of What would you do in x situation? If you fill the x with what would you do if a tree was on fire? What would you do if you wanted candy from a store? What would you do if your shoes were too small? (this may seem odd but, some people would continue wearing them without complaint even if their feet hurt, some would maybe cut the tips off, and some would go get a new pair)

So you have the basis of your character pretty much down by now but there is one more point needed to make.

Relations, often people may want to replicate what they may or may not have in the real world. They may be looking for a family, for someone to take their anger out on, or may just be looking for love. Now look you just made your character, so how would they react to people? But then also take into account a character's age, at age 8, kids are having tea parties, they are racing cars, playing video games, doing puzzles, flying kites, and thinking others have cooties, love may just not be something on their mind. When you pick up a book do you want the whole story on the first page? If you opened it up and the first paragraph was everything that would happen in the book, would you keep reading? The same thing goes with relations for your character, you shouldn't instantly start dating someone. Work out the relationship, have fun creating the story, whether it be enemies to lovers, slow burn friendships, love at first sight but scared to talk, accidental meeting, being in a peach tree accidentally a peach on them. Let relations come naturally, plan them out, and put thought into them. Now this isn't meant to be mean, if you want a relationship whatever it be this is just encouragement to have fun with it. To enjoy it, to build off of it, instead of just rushing into it, seeing even if the characters are compatible. There is also another opportunity as well to create NPCs which is a non-playing character, you can mold these to fit your character. They can be used for character development, used to create an adventure in your mind. Think of a book, there isn't just the main character, there are also the friends, the family, the people at the store, and the minor roles that shape their life. You are the main character in your own story, so treat yourself as one.
Okay now you may be wondeing, well what about Godly Parent, well that's up to you! On site we have the chance for you to be sorted into a cluster then each cluster has specific Godly Parents you can get. So its up to you who you get, in my opinion Godly Parent does not really play a role in a character unless you are going the stereotypical route with them or have a specific power/ability you want, want the name meaning to match them, or just really want a specific parent.
On-Site Resources The Chronicle Team is a great resource for help!
Profile Text and Chronicle Guide
Profile and Chronicle Rules
Godly Abilities

An added note that the face claim directories and name sites were made by their rightful owners, and deserve all the credit for their wonderful work.I know this was a lot to take in, but maybe commenting below some helpful tips, tricks, and feedback. Whether it be links or advice you want to give, or even answering those situations mentioned above for you own character! It is now time for you to be the...

Percy Jackson Character Creator

I look forward to seeing the demigod character that you create on site or have already made!