Interview with: Athena the Deity of Craft, Warfare, and Wisdom

totally should be a segment on Hephaestus TV
Athena the deity is known her brains, she is known for her intellect, but what else is she known for? That is exactly what our interviewer managed to do! Athena the deity in Percy Jackson is very logical. She is well disciplined, known for her strategic mindset, and just beyond wise. She was mentioned within the Percy Jackson Series, as she is Annabeth Chase's mother. Though truly her credit is underappreciated for she is more than just a mother. She is more than just someone with a brain. So ready to learn more about this Goddess? Athena deserves more recognition, praise, and appreciation.

Interviewer We meet once more our dear audience, though alas you have yet to learn my name. I do doubt you will ever know my identity. Nevertheless you are not here for me but rather for the lovely deity, Athena! So let us start with your name dear goddess?
Athena Ah what an introduction, it depends on the context of the question I suppose. Through time I have gone by many names, and many have refered to me as many different names too. To a select handful of some, mother. To one of my half-siblings on my paternal side, Apollo called me "Old Gray Eyes". I have been called the Goddess of Arts, the Goddess of Strategy, and my personal favorite the Goddess of Intelligence. There are a few others such as Patron of Heroic and Pallas Athena, then a lesser known one of Endeavour.
Interviewer I feel as if my mind is now overwhelmed with lots of thoughts!Moving on is there any facts you wish to share?
Athena Once more it depends on the areas of facts you mean. It is a really broad way of asking. Such as you might mean how pigs cannot look up into the sky or how snakes can predict earthquakes. If you mean in regards to myself my Roman counterpart has the honor of being displayed on the highest level of achievement within the milatary in the Unites States. Something else is I also happen to be a patron of Sparta. Not to mention I never had a childhood for, I was born an adult, or as more accurately speaking I sprung out as an adult.
Interviewer I see the reoccuring issue of my head hurting from too much thinking will not end. Is there any flower that represents you, and why?
Athena A symbol of mine would have to be Tiger Lillies, they are bright orange with spots, which is how they obtain their name, for they look like a tiger. The flower represents confidence, it represents pride, though I do not have so much where I am hubris. I must say I feel pride in my own intellect, and my abilities that I have.
Interviewer I do not believe I have ever seen a tiger lilly before, I shall need to do so. For our last question, if you were a day of the week what day would you be?
Athena If you know the meanings of the days I suppose Tuesday is the most fitting. Tuesday is named after Tiu who if you do not know is an old Germanic God. Tiu was the God of the war and the sky, which some might say fit Zeus or Ares. But it is more fitting for me, given the Goddess of Warfare fits better with a God of War.
Interviewer Nice learning about you Athena, thank you!

Facts About Athena Deity

  • Her hair color is brown
  • She is said to be a virgin in Greek Mythology
  • She had an adopted son named Erichthonius
  • She is the most active Goddess
  • Her children are considered gifts

What are your thoughts about Athena?