Egyptian Gods in the Percy Jackson Universe
Hello Everyone! Often times we discuss Greek Mythology as our site is Camp Half-Blood. However, there are other mythologies out there, that are also very cool to explore. This may not be known to some but yes there are more mythologies than just Greek. There is Norse, Roman, Welsh, Hindu, and much more but for this edition we will focus on Egyptian!
"Manhatten has other problems. Other Gods. It's Best we stay separate."
What better way to learn than provide a little bit of information on some of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses then have a quiz! Starting off!
There was Ra you might try to associate him with Apollo, as Ra was the sun god. Though he might be a cross between Gaea and Apollo, in some ways if it makes it easier on your memories. As Ra was the God of life as well as the God of Order too. He did have the head of a falcon which isn't really common in Greek Mythology unless you got cursed. He was known to be really nice, but then started acting more like a toddler, but later on became very wise. So I guess it is true you do become wise with age, even as a God!
Then there was Osiris the one if you saw you'd likely think they were an alien or just not of this world. Osiris' skin color was described to be a tint of blue. Though Osiris is likely someone you didn't wish to ever meet, while he was a just ruler, he was also the God of the dead (and living too). You might be able to remember him by comparing him to Hades as they are similar in several ways!
Next we have Isis, did you know that's actually her Greek name? Her actual name is Aset! For the Goddess of Motherhood, she could be quite controlling and manipulative. You might compare her to Hera based from her personality, however she could be very nurturing at times too! One could even say she loved her husband a little too much, as she was very loyal to Osiris, and would do anything to make him have a better role. Though it is a little fitting as her name does mean throne.
The one with the falcon head was Horus maybe he inherited a bit of his mother's personality (Isis) as Horus was known for being stuck-up. Yes, he could be quick to forgive, but he could just be very mean to others, especially with his words. Though it might have been because he is the God of War and Sky. Something else about Horus is that he doesn't understand sarcasm, such as when told that pigeon's are smart, and he believed it. As for Horus you might be able to compare him with Ares given their personality and that they are God of War.
Are we all Set for chaos? (yes that pun was intended) Set otherwise known as Seth was the God of destruction, of violence, and of course Chaos. They caused their fair share of evil on the world. While he did start off as an antagonist he does get a little better with time being a bit kinder, or at least helping out. Though he is very arrogant, as well as self-conceited, as for being his enemy it is not recommended as he enjoys to play with them. One might even compare him to Enyo, apart from the personality switch in him.
Egyptian Mythology Quiz as in its relation to the Percy Jackson Universe