Cessairly a Weekly Rewind
Looking Back on June 17th, 2024 - June 23rd, 2024

Announcements Around Site Looking Back on This Day...
Cessairly Fun

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To submit a question (or questions) to be answered by Cessair you can use this form, it is completly anonymous, so go wild! The form:https://forms.gle/MJ858NG6KzGV3qum8!

questions may be adjusted slightly if I feel they will be triggering to others

If red is the colour of blood and blue is the colour of roses, what shampoo do you use?

whatever you use, as I use yours

Is it possible to stand on the sun? Cuz it sounds cool or can you stand on clouds or rain
go outside and find out, science experiment time. If you see someone near you go up to them slowly as you want to reserve energy, then quickly grab them, and throw them.

Which mythologies and/or religions would you want to see have its own series of characters written by Rick Riordan? (ex: Polynesian, Chinese, Japanese, Irish, etc.)

Ones he knows, as if he doesn't know them they wouldn't be well incorporated. There are lots of mythologies in the world, and they are spectacular, I have studied some from Ancient China for a class and I liked them. I do also love Wales Mythology as well, as I have read a few. But would I want them made into its own series, no. I quite enjoy them the way they are, and don't want them to be ruined for me, misrepresented, or just not how I envision them, I like them the way they are.




*Insert School Song from the movie remake of Matilda*
Next time won't you sing with me times 3