Greek Mythology and the Olympians within

Hello Everyone! As we have covered some of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, it is now time to look at a few of our own! Not only shall we learn more about them from the series, but also how they change from the traditional Greek Mythology. As Rick Riordan took inspiration from Greek Mythology but didn't leave everything the same. He created a bit of his own canon as well for several of the Gods and Goddesses!

"Poseidon held out his arms and gave me a hug. I realized, a little embarrassed, that I'd never actually hugged my dad before. He was warm—like a regular human—and he smelled of a salty beach and fresh sea air."

What better way to learn than provide a little bit of information on some of the Greek Gods and Goddesses then have a quiz! Starting off!

There was Zeus the one who must go first because his ego cannot handle any other place. Within the Percy Jackson series Zeus was the top God the one who had saved his siblings. The God of Gods, the God of Thunder, Lightning, and the Skies. In Greek Mythology Zeus was very much more involved in affairs, cared only about his own desires, and was fierce when it came to punishment. In the series he is depicated as being more sympathetic, he actually seems to care somewhat about his children, and while affairs are mentioned it is small.

Then there was Hades the most underrated father that there is. Hades is very underrated, and underminded by everyone else, given the short end of the stick. Hades is the God over Death, he is the King of the Underworld. Hades is also the eldest sibling, and really he had the eldest sibling stereotype down. In Greek Mythology Hades seemed detached from everyone, just misunderstood, but a loyal husband. In Percy Jackson he was similiar but he also seemed a lot more attached to his family. He did actually care for his children, and want to help them out.

Next we have Demeter, if you ever had the chance to hug a Goddess pick Demeter. She is the definition of being a mother bear that cares about her cub. She is just friendly, and very nurturing towards others. The only time she is ever really angry is when she was so distraught by her daughter being taken. In the series her good nature doesn't cross over, she is very strict, cares about things being orderly, and is authoritative.

If anger issues was a person it'd be Ares he might not have been born with a sword in hand, but there rarely a time he isn't swinging one. Ares is the God of War so it makes sense in Greek Mythology he is portrayed as being bloodthirsty. He is feared because he is very violent, and he is not someone you want to get on the bad side of. In the series he was relatively the same he was shown as tough, ready to start a war or fight. He seemed like he acted on impulse rather than thought, and maybe that he did like his children but did so through tough love.

No one likes to be casted in the shadow of their sibling but in this case Enyo often times is. Enyo is the twin sister to Ares, so they do have some similarity. They are both known for destruction as well as war. However, Enyo takes it a little farther as she is also associated with chaos too. So not as much violence, but a lot more strategic havoc. In Greek Mythology Enyo was fierce, aggressive, and she was excited by bloodshed. While she didn't have a role in the Percy Jackson series, she had more of a minor role for expanding the knowledge more.


Greek Mythology and the Olympians within Quiz


My knowledge about the Olympians in Greek Mythology!