
There is the mention of snakes, no pictures of them

Who is Medusa?

Born to Keto and Phorcys she was one of three daughters. There was Medusa along with her two sisters whose names were Stheno and Euryale. The name Medusa means to rule over, the name Stheno means mighty, and the name Euryale means far roamed. Very fitting names for the trio who were once maidens, then turned into gorgons.

The Background of Context
There has always been a rivarly between Athena and Poseidon, it is even commented on within the series. There was the contest for Athens, where Poseidon and Athena were in a competition. Whoever won would end up having the city named after them, and in the end Athena won. There have been other conflicts since from the walls of Troy to the Trojan War. While the pair might not have been siblings they sure quarrelled like they were. It is this background thing brings the context of what happened to Medusa.

The Story of Medusa
Poseidon wished to get back at Athena for something she had done to him. Athena had transformed Koroneis into a raven, who was someone that Poseidon loved. Poseidon didn't really take the hint that Koroneis didn't like him back. As the saying goes revenge is a dish best served cold, and Poseidon planned to take a jab at Athena. He decided to use the priestess of Athena, who happened to be Medusa. While Medusa had been warned about Poseidon it didn't stop her she ended up wooed by him, as it wasn't every day a girl like her attracted a God's attention. She felt special, and then fell right into his trap. After Medusa and Poseidon had disrespected Athena's statue she ended up cursing Medusa. Medusa who was once beautiful had her lavish hair stripped from her, and instead replaced by snakes. No one would ever find her beautiful again for if anyone dare stare at her snakes they would turn to stone. Eventually she does have children thanks to Poseidon, however her two sons had to be born from her neck, which wasn't a pleasant experience, one can assume.

Within the Percy Jackson Series
Medusa is treated like a monster as she has snakes for her hair and turns people into statues, understandable. Luckily for Medusa she turned her curse into a profitable business. While she wasn't able to keep much company, she did have her own store. It was called Aunty Em's Gnome Emporium, which was also considered her lair as well. Inside the store there is plenty of statues that would sruce up anyone's garden. The downside of it all is all the statues weren't created from stone, rather it was victims turned to stone.

Eventually the trio of Percy, Annabeth, and Grover come across the Emporium when looking for food. Though they end up finding a monster, Grover found his Uncle, and later also food. They manage to defeat Medusa by cutting her head off, which later ends up being a good thing. As it turns out the snakes still have effect as we learned when Gabe Ugliano, became true to his last name, and turned into a statue.

Later in the series while Medusa was still reforming, she might not have been present. Her Emporium however, was used by Kronos as a base. So at least her lair still had use!

Thoughts on Medusa?