From the Percy Jackson Universe

Who is Hera?

She is the youngest daughter of Rhea and Kronos but not the youngest child. Meaning that she is older than Zeus, who comes to be her husband later on. Hera is the Goddess of Women, she is also the Goddess of Childbirth, Marriage, and Familial Love. Though she is most commonly known for her marriage to Zeus, and being the Queen of Olympus.

Personality of Hera in PJO

It might come as a surprise to many that within the series Hera isn't often described as jealous or vengeful. Within the series while she still does have some jealous tendencies it isn't as much. It is seen in the series that Hera doesn't focus on small details. Maybe being the role of Queen contributed to this, but it is evident she looks at a larger picture. She does her best to care for her family, and put her family first. Being the Goddess of Familial Love its no wonder she puts family first. She is very much like how a mother would be in personality. She is caring, kind, and loving as well. But just like a bear when her cubs are threatened she will get angry.

Hera in PJO

Hera might be seen as harsh or mean but it is also thanks to her Percy and Thalia lived. In the Titan's Curse, there is a vote among the Olympians that decides the fate of Percy and Thalia. Hera who was on the panel voted that they should live, which is really kind of her. For had she done the opposite it might have led to The Battle of Labyrinth and The Last Olympian never happening.

The Battle of Labyrinth would have been a whole different story if Hera hadn't been there to help. She was actually in the Labyrinth, and offered food to the group. Just imagine if she had not they would have been so exhausted, and hungry. She offered them advice about Triple G ranch which is where they needed to go. Then she helped Annabeth by delaying the decision she had to make.

The Last Olympian we see Hera fight along the other Gods as she helps to bring down Typhon. Not only that at the end she even congratulates the heroes!

Hera's Appearance in PJO

The Titan's Curse
It could be a scene straight out of Snow White, where the Queen asks the mirror day in and day out who the fairest of them all is. Then one day instead of the mirror responding the same the mirror answers someone else. Before Aphrodite, Hera could easily be regarded as the most beautiful goddess there was. Hera has the sacred animal of peacock which makes sense she has lots of connections with them. Her dress in the Titan's Curse is described as being the color of peacock feathers. Then her hair which was silver was styled in a braid then draped over her shoulder. The whole outfit and her hair just shimmered.

The Battle of the Labyrinth
It is a common science experiment to pour oil on top of water or the other way around. Oil is less dense than water meaning it floats on top. Now picture oil on top of water as a dress. As that is what her dress appeared like when she moved. It was a while dress, but as she walked in shimmered, causing a golden effect. Which could easily be compared to oil on water. As for her hair it was chocolate brown this time. Her hair still in braids but this time it was in a plait accompanied by gold ribbons.

Thoughts on Hera?