Meaningful Names
Blog Written by: Phythia Peony | Daughter of Aphrodite
Hello Everyone! This is a blog that explores the names of the users on site. As there is a lot one can learn about someone if they first learn about their name. So are you ready to dive into this blog? Ready to see if the name fits the person? As well as to learn possibly something new, and learn about someone new? Then get comfortable as we are ready to begin!
Genevieve Beaumont
hi! my character's name Is Geniveve Beaumont, which is a name that I found absolutely beautiful. i wanted to create a pretty, sweet, character who visually came off very simular to the Aphrodite children (at least from the books) and part of that was choosing a name that kind of whent with that super femminene pettite sort of thing. of course Gwen is a daughter of Hephestus, not Aphrodite, dispite apperances
Chaerin Kang
My characters name is Chaerin Kang! I picked this name because it really stuck out to me when I was looking and it sounds so beautiful. The name Chaerin means color and pure, the Chae coming from the Korean character 채 and meaning color/hue and talent. With Rin coming from the Korean character 린 and meaning purity and noble. Kang when not used as a surname (강) means river, though it is a very popular surname without much of a meaning. It fits who I want Chaerin to be, as I want her to be fun and up for adventures, very go with the flow(see what I did there?) but still a little reserved and perhaps slightly against violence for no reason.
Gabriella Palmieri
1. My character's name is Gabriella Marcella Palmieri
2. I picked the name because it sounded rather nice and just seemed to kind of match her vibes.
3 + 4. The name Gabriella means "God is my strength" which I guess is close enough as she does find her strength in her mother (Hecate) so it does make sense a bit. Marcella means "warlike/martial" but for that part I am not entirely sure as Gabi's personality is still in the works :D
Tommy Soot
My first name dos't have a meaning exactly but my middle name is Theseus a Greek King from long ago he is the one who foght the mintar My adopted Dad said he gave me the middle name becuse it was the name of a hero but my Brother says that its becuse the hero wasn't welcome home just like me and him. I just like it becuse He was a hero and he got all the ladys! Yes this fits my character perfectly more specifically his family line and what direction his life is going to go later in his life.
Damon Blackwood
My character's name is Damon Graves Blackwood.
I picked the name because I had my eyes on being a son of Hades so I picked something that felt Hades-ish
Well, Damon means "to overpower, tame, subdue, conquer", which I feel are the attrubutes of a Hades kid. And Graves means, well, graves.
Yes, I think it does fit my character.
Sole Bianchi
- My character's name is Sole Bianchi.

- I picked it because I love Italian names, and this one seemed perfect for my character.

- Yes, Sole means sun in Italian, and, for me it is a beautiful name.

- Yes, because my character is a child of Apollo, and since he is the god of the sun, among other things, I think the name fits my character quite well.

Honorable Mention: Christos Spyrou