Meaningful Names
Blog Written by: Phythia Peony | Daughter of Aphrodite
Hello Everyone! This is a blog that explores the names of the users on site. As there is a lot one can learn about someone if they first learn about their name. So are you ready to dive into this blog? Ready to see if the name fits the person? As well as to learn possibly something new, and learn about someone new? Then get comfortable as we are ready to begin!
Abigail Flores
What is your character's name?
Hello every one my characters name is Abigail Laura Flores. She is demigirl.

Why did you pick that name?
I picked the name because the lore for my character is that their godly parent (Athena) fell in love with an Argentinian and made them and their brother. Flores is my favourite Spanish surname and is very popular in Latina countries (Spanish speaking South American countries) Abigail was picked by Athena as a fairly English (language) name and same as Laura

Does it have a meaning? If so what?
Abigail means 'my father's joy' which is incredibly fitting for my character for she forever wants to make their father proud. Laura means 'Bay laurel plant' which shares its meaning with Daphne from Ancient Greek origins however Athena thought it would prove their ancient Greek heritage easily. Flores means 'flower' and origins from Spain. This would be better if they were a Demeter child but Abigail is quite fond of flowers and gardening. Their favourite flower is a lotus (the non-mythological kind).
Savannah Garcia
What is your character's name?
Savannah Grace Garcia

Why did you pick that name?
I actually decided to name her Savannah because it is a "country" name and because the wonderful Savannah Morgan has ana amazing name and I've always loved it.

Does it have a meaning? If so what?
Savannah means open plain.

Does it fit your character?
I believe Savannah fits her character very much due to the fact that she is the complete opposite of an open plain. She very much is closed off and doesnt like meeting new people. She loves her own group and thats it.
Cameron Holt
My character's name is Cameron Jamie Holt. I chose that because I wanted the nickname C.J and liked the sound of the two names, The meaning is natural and stable leader and it fits my character a lot I love the name
Ashley Laurier
My first name is Ashley and I just wanted to keep that honestly not only that but its super common so there isn't really a threat in letting people know that so that was another reason I kept it and for my last name I just goggle searched like unique names and that one called out to me

The name Ashley used to be a surname derived from old English which meant "dweller near the ash tree meadow" and is said that those with the name embody the strength, resilience, and wisdom associated with the ash tree.

Laurier coincidently also represents a tree. In French it translates into the laurel tree or bay tree and in old French was a surname given to someone who lived near said tree. Not only that but in ancient times the greek god Apollo was depicted wearing a laurel wreath on his head and laurel leaves to make victory wreaths as well.

I think those meanings fit well together since to be victorious one needs to have strength, resillience and wisdom. The laurel leaves are simple yet elegant like the god who wore them and like my character who fits this description, exactly like what I had in mind for her
Jake Dresden
What is your character's name?
Jake Dresden

Why did you pick that name?
I am a big fan of the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. I didn't pick the first name for any particular reason other than it sounded good!

Does it have a meaning? If so what?
There's no particular meaning for the name.

Does it fit your character?
I dunno yet! I haven't really started writing him enough to find out!
Jack Sheeky
My character's name is Jack Sheeky (pronounced shee-key). I picked this name because I like how it sounds and I could see myself being named it. Sheeky means bold and spirirted which I think represents myself. I think it does fit my character as being a child of Zeus does mean being bold.