Meet Azriel!
"Chaos. Panic. Fun. My work here is done."
Time for probably the most chaotic Master of them all, Azriel Bellerose, the Quest Master. Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @worldofolympians and show Azriel's post some love just like the other staff posts.

staff gif

Azriel is a part of the Mystery cluster and a son of Hephaestus, he's also an owner of a Magic Toolbelt. Azriel has been the Quest Master since the 2nd IG Year and enjoys cookies and exchanging pickup lines!? Besides being really old, Azriel is still pretty good looking (or is that just me?) and he's quite flirty for son of Hephaestus.

Also, there is currently an amazing event going on that Azriel and his team planned so you guys should definitely go check that out, because why not? It involves Apollo and you get to sing!

Until tomorrow with another Master, that's it for today...sadly.

Cyrus Brown, Marketing Master
© Code by Aliyah