Hey, demigods! This week’s Battle of the Gods is all about the differences between 2 very interesting goddesses. Are there any differences between Artemis and Diana? Let’s find out! 

Artemis: Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, the moon, birth, and sometimes also virginity. She was the protector of the wild, little girls and virgins. Artemis was born to Leto, goddess of dark nights, and Zeus and was older than her twin brother Apollo. After Artemis was born, she assisted her mother, Leto, to give birth to Apollo. Apollo and Artemis both have a bow with arrows that never miss their target and they’re both known for their beauty and their wisdom. She’s also one of the 3 major virgin goddesses (Athena, Hestia, and Artemis). Artemis is also known for the hunters of Artemis, a group of maiden/virgin hunters, mostly girls, who have sworn an oath to Artemis. After they’ve sworn the oath, they have to be loyal to Artemis, reject love as long as they live, and join her in the join. The hunters gain eternal youth as long as they don’t break their vows or die in battle. Some people think Artemis hates boys, she doesn’t, she hates some boys. In fact, she had multiple male best friends. She also punished some guys for seeing her and the hunters bathing, like Actaeon or Sipriotes. They both saw Artemis and the hunters bathing and Artemis didn’t really like that. Actaeon ended up being changed into a dear and being eaten by his own dogs and Sipriotes ended up being changed into a girl because no male can ever see Artemis bathing and live. The deer was her sacred animal and she could often be seen with a bow, a deer, and sometimes also a  moon. 

Diana: Diana is the goddess of the hunt, wild nature, the moon, and birth. She also was the protector of the wild, little girls, and maiden. Diana was also loved amongst the plebs, the normal people of the Roman empire. She was known under various names, a few examples are Diana Venatrix, Diana Lucina, and Diana Lucifera. Diana was born to Latona and Jupiter and her twin brother is called Apollo. Just like Artemis and the Greek Apollo, they both have a bow with never missing arrows and they’re known for their beauty and wisdom. Diana is, just like Artemis, one of the 3 maiden goddesses (Diana, Minerva, and Vesta) and also has a group of maiden hunters. They’re called the hunters of Diana. The only difference between the Hunters of Artemis and the Hunters of Diana is when they’re recruiting demigods, Artemis is looking for Greek demigods and Diana for Roman. Diana and Artemis accept both mortals, demigods, and nymphs. Her sacred animal is also a deer and she can be seen wearing the same as Artemis, except Artemis can be seen wearing a Greek chiton and Diana a Roman stola. 

If you compare them, you’ll see that you’re pretty much the same: they have the same sacred animal, can be seen wearing the same, are goddesses of the same things and they both have a group of hunters. The only difference is that Diana is a little bit changed to Roman culture. 



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