
Written by: Calli DeManiro
Issue: #005


Hello all and welcome to Out of the Ruins, We Go! 's fifth post. This blog is all about ancient Greek minor and major gods/goddesses, heroes, myths, and more! I'll be sharing some facts about their backgrounds, and then other fun facts about them!


This week we're going to be focusing on one of my favorite goddesses! Her father was our first edition. I present to you the all-knowing... Athena!


Our myth goes back to when Metis, a Titaness was pregnant with Zeus' daughter. Legend says that Zeus received a prophecy from an oracle of Gaea saying that his second child with the Titaness (first a girl, second a boy) would one day overthrow him.


Zeus did exactly what his father did to his siblings: He swallowed the pregnant Metis whole! Like father, like son, am I right?

Metis lived in Zeus' head until it was time for Athena's birth.








Zeus had a horrific headache, which made him scream so loudly in pain. Hermes, realizing what was happening, had Hephaestus make a wedge and smash it into Zeus' skull.


And POP! out came Athena from Zeus' head, -- some myths do say that she came from his thigh, it all depends on your source!! -- fully grown and dressed in armor, looking like she was ready for war. What a badass.

Although Athena's birth was the end of Metis, she stayed in Zeus' head as his conscious.


Apparently, Metis didn't do too well, as Zeus was still out cheating on Hera and making little demi-gods! And he still is!

Now, let's get onto to more interesting parts.

Did you know that Athena is actually the goddess of three different things! Yup!

She's the goddess of war, wisdom, and weaving.


You know, Aracne? One of the myths involving Athena weaving! We'll get on to Aracne another time, though.


Want to read more about Athena? Possibly learn more information about her that wasn't included in here? Go check out the lovely book about her that our amazing pumpkins wrote!:

Athena is normally described as tall (makes sense for a goddess), olive-skinned (she created olives, so does this phrase come from her creations), and has grey eyes. That would explain why all of her children have them!


As you might know, Ares is the god of war, and Athena is the goddess of war. Now, you might be thinking, "How does this work?". Well, Ares is the god of violence and the bloody part of war. Athena is the goddess of battle strategy. Makes sense, right?


There is a whole festival held in Athena's honor! It's called the Panathenaia. It's held every four years, just like the Olympics. It's a religious ceremony, with athletic competitions, cultural events, and a prize-winning ceremony!

It sounds more like the Olympics by the second...


Sounds fun!!


And that is all I have for you guys today. I hope to see you soon! Also, comment on what you would like next week's blog to be about! I would love to do something on what y'all want!



- https://learnodo-newtonic

- https://www.greekmytholo


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