WoO Blog

Spookymonth Winners!

Cyrus Brown
Hello hello! Are you guys ready for the winners of our Spookymonth writing contest?! Because I am! I literally cried over this and it was such a hard decision if I'm being completely honest!

Just to remind you all of the prompt and required words needed: You'll have to create a short story of your character going trick or treating at camp. Please include details from when they put on their costume until they get home and change into pajamas to go to bed. You have to include these words: Candy corn, candy, pumpkin, ghost, witch, and moon. The maxmimum words this can have is 1,000 and the minimum is 500!

So...now onto the winner of the contest is....
Kyle Foreswift!

His submission was literally amazing and if I get permission from him, I'll share his submission with you all in the next blog! Our 2nd place was Chae-Yeong Hyun and 3rd place was Brianna Chase! I'd love to share their entries if they allow me to as well in the next blog!

Those gifts and prizes will be sent out this week and anyone who participated will recieve a gift as well for their hardwork and effort!

Thank you!

--coded by Nicole--