Living Like...



Eva Graunke


Hi everyone!
Look who's here! It's me, Sae Rose, with a new series for you all - Living Like... See the summary for more information! For our first edition, the lovely Eva Graunke volunteered - let's jump right into it!

As it's the first edition, let me quickly summarize Living Like... In this post series, users on-site can volunteer to be the subject for one edition. I'll present a few facts about the volunteer, and then ask all of you a question about them! You'll make up an answer, and next edition, there'll be three shoutouts - my favorite, the volunteer's favorite, and the closest to the truth! Ready? Let's go!

  • Name: Eva Graunke
  • Age: 16 I think-
  • Cluster & Godly Parent: Mystery & Hades n.n
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Bisexual xD
  • Job: Archivist
  • How long have you been at camp: Almost 3 years! (IG)
  • If you had to describe yourself in five words, what would they be: Sweet, bubbly, funny, stubborn, indecisive
  • Name one secret about yourself: Hmm... well, Eva’s quite good with a rope and some throwing knives. Most people know about her relationship with the knives, but very few have seen her work with a rope. She can practically lasso like a cowgirl if she really wanted to. The rope, the knives, and Eva of course, all make for one scary teenager.
  • What's one thing people should know about you: Eva is very chaotic.if you see her around the camp, either prepare yourself or turn and walk away. She’s always in such high spirits even when something might upset her. She never tries to lash out when she’s angry me she does her best to keep her cool. Her moods can also change as fast as you can blink. She could be all soft and sappy music one moment and hard rock the next. Or, all social butterfly then switching to ‘I want to stay inside a sleep.’ The smoke swings happen at the strangest times and her personality altogether is just a big rollercoaster.

Now, of course, for your question! Give your theory in the comments and you'll possibly get a shoutout next edition! Your question is:
What do you think Eva's darkest secret is?
Eva, thank you so much for volunteering, and I can't wait to analyze all the responses with you! If you'd like to volunteer for the next edition, just IM me, Sae Rose, and you can be the next subject of Living Like...

With love, rainbows, pink fluffy unicorns, and flower crowns


© By Audrey's Codes