Welcome to the Magic Shop

Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming to the last episode of my post series, Welcome to the Magic Shop! In this series, we are talking about some magical and nice items that may be useful for your demigod life! Today, we are going to talk about Katoptris!

Hello, campers! How is everyone? I’m doing great! Today will be the last time that I will talk about items and I’m surprised, time passes fast! Anyways, let’s start that article, today we are going to talk about a nice and mysterious item!


Katoptris is the name of the item that we are going to talk about today. Katoptris is a dagger that at first belonged to Helen of Troy, it was a wedding gift from her first husband, Menelaus.


In the dagger, it is possible to see reflections, just like a mirror. It was the only way that Helen used the dagger and also the reason that it was named Katoptris. Katoptris means 'looking glass' or 'mirror' in ancient greek.



However, Katoptris isn't used only for seeing the reflections and of course, as a fighting dagger. It has also an interesting and problematic ability, it can show the owner visions and the owner of the dagger can't control what happens on the visions, the visions most times aren't helpful and show something that the owner doesn't want to see.


Katoptris is bound in bronze, similar to the material of the blade, which is Celestial Bronze. Celestial Bronze is a metal capable of hurting anything but mortals


If you think Katoptris is a nice weapon and it would be super fun to use it on topics or monster questing, you have this chance! Here in World of Olympians, we have the Katoptris status available, I'm sure it would be great to have Katoptris in your backpack!


Now, we reached to the end of the post series about magical items! I want to thank each one of you who read the blogs, you all are great!


Baek, out!






Written by BaekHo Kim
