Marketing Under New Management

Hello demigods of World of Olympians! I'm sure you've all heard by now, but just incase you haven't along with two other teams, Marketing is Under New Management! I am Justin Angelo, the new Marketing Master on World of Olympians and I'm super excited to be here!

I do have a few ideas for social medias and blogs of World of Olympians, but the President doesn't do his job alone does he? That's what the Marketing Team is for, to help their Master, and it seems we're currently hiring!

The Marketing Team is World of Olympians version of the Social-Media Team and our job is to spread the word of World of Olympians through social media posts on Instagram, Facebook and more!

We also produce blogs here on the site and even hold competitions that can get you some pretty cool items, but the question is...does this interest you? Would you love to help write blogs for the site and help make posts for our social media? Help advertise the awesome word of World of Olympians? Well then, apply for the Marketing Team! I can't wait to see all of the amazing applications!

Application for Marketing Team:

➣ Be atleast 13 years old IRL
➣ Have time to post a blog and create atleast 2-3 social media posts each week
➣ Have experience with Social Media
➣ Be able to work in a group professionally
➣ Have access to discord and able to check it weekly (Please it'll make mine and your life MUCH easier)

Application Must Have:
➣ Character name and IRL age
➣ Why should you be hired?
➣ What can you contribute to the team?
➣ Experience with Social Media? If yes, please go into detail.
➣ A blog post idea fully explained and written (coded or not coded)
➣ An example social media post or a competition idea for our blog (as many details as possible)
➣ Extra Users (Please be honest, if you have none please)

When finished please send your application to [email protected], but if you're not comfortable sharing your email just send your application to Justin Angelo via Iris Messages with the subject titled 'Your Name-Marketing Team Application'. You'll hear from me only if you get the job, so keep that in mind when applying. If you want advice on an application, just let me know, but I can't give a guide to a perfect application! If you have any questions at all about the team send me an Iris Message and I'll help to the best of my ability!

Justin Angelo
coded by Issie