“ The future will either be green or not at all.”
Hello everyone. Before I start things off, I wish you all a late Easter if you celebrate it. Back to the point of this article! This is Color of the Week with me, Katniss Baily, and I am pleased to announce that this week’s color is the rainbow! Kidding, kidding, though that would be fun, anyways this week’s color is that wonderful light green color that is spotted on site. This color is also known as the Instructors.
The classes you're able to take around the site do not just create themselves, because I’m certain sometimes people think, or wish, they do. By taking these classes you not only learn new things you enable yourself to take the exams that open at the beginning of Week 11 at the end of every in-game year. Cool, right?
Fun fact of the day is this: green is the second most common color in the United States, it stands second because blue takes the gold in this competition. The color is also commonly thought as the color optimism along with hopefulness, responsibility, and comfort. Along with that, unfortunately, is considered a masculine color. Now please excuse me while I go cry in the corner. (Colors however are for everyone, no matter the gender!)
Now, it seems that our precious time is up, I’m so sorry, I know you are very disappointed, but until next time! Thank you for reading and have a great day!