Camper of the Month
Hello Camp Half-Blood! Welcome to the fourth Non-Staff Camper of the Month Interview! My name is Celeste Grayson, and I'm giving you the inside look at the camper in this month's shining spotlight!

- From : Celeste Grayson

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Esther Waters

Esther Waters Congratulations Cassie!

Elena Sanchez

Elena Sanchez Congratulations Cassie. I'll catch up to you on the leaderboard soon xD

Cassie Glendale

Cassie Glendale *gasps* THANK YOU, ALL! <3 And thank you, Celeste, for considering me!! This is such an honor <3 x

Lydia Hickories

Lydia Hickories Congrats Cassie!! You totally earned this!

Asher Matthews

Asher Matthews Congratulations Cassie!! I hope you have an amazing stay at Camp :D

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