❀ - Flower Power #2

- From : Maisie McKinnon

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Esther Waters

Esther Waters Hydrangeas are some of the most unique flowers out there-and the fact that their colour depends on the pH of the soil is awfully fascinating! Can't wait to read more <33

Allison Morgan

Allison Morgan I Love it . Hope you talk about roses or Lilly's

Lauryn Chapman

Lauryn Chapman Hydrangeas are indeed beautiful! I suggest talking about waterlilies next! They're absolutely stunning!

Natilie DiAngelo

Natilie DiAngelo Amazing!! I love plants and flowers they make everything so much more peaceful and happy!! Hence why I have 19 XD this was amazing and I look forward to reading more!!

Eris Myrto

Eris Myrto Aaah I love this!

Rosilia Dove

Rosilia Dove Oh... My.... God... I'm looking forward to more of these! I love flowers!

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