Cessairly a Weekly Rewind
Have you ever experienced a week where you could not even recall the last few minutes let alone days? Or maybe you were just away for some time and everything seems different but you can't quite put your finger on what exactly, well look no farther!

- From : Cessair Conaghan

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Charlie Thacher

Charlie Thacher The questions- hbckhjqla- I cant speak im laughing too hard jirnelckmel

Feonix Grace

Feonix Grace Gonna be totally honest. Pizza and broccoli. I love it.

Maggie Giovanni

Maggie Giovanni You have no idea how hard I’m trying to keep a straight face-

Alexander Genrove

Alexander Genrove I'm trying so hard to not laugh right now I'm sure my face looks pretty funny

Beatrice Saint-Clare

Beatrice Saint-Clare Oh my gods, the answers got me ROFL

Brandon Case

Brandon Case Imma make my first comment. Imma answer the first question. Went to Cold Stone Ice Cream parlor once and had watermelon Ice cream with butterfinger and Kit Kats on it. Surprisingly tasty

Brandon Case

Brandon Case Imma make my first comment. Imma answer the first question. Went to Cold Stone Ice Crea

Adonis Mendez

Adonis Mendez Cosmic brownies <3 Haven't had one of those bad boys in yearsss

Patrick Underwood

Patrick Underwood Fantastic pickle!

Grace Chase

Grace Chase I laughed so hard with the Q&A

Desdemona Wren

Desdemona Wren The questions asdfasdfa. Cess I adore you but the pudding this is still a hard pass from me. T-T I don't like carbonation either tho I'll glady let soda go flat in my fridge before I drink it.

Brielle D'Amore

Brielle D'Amore Gods, I can't stop laughing with the last questions and their answers XD

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