Greek Mythology and the Olympians within
How well do you know the Olympians? Are you ready to learn a little about them then take a quiz after to see how you do?!

- From : Cessair Conaghan

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Cora Myers

Cora Myers 3/5 sadly:( my favorite would either be Hades or Apollo. i think i'd like Rain.

Ray Escobal

Ray Escobal 3/5! My favorites are Hypnos and Hermes! Idk lol

Lia Colemane

Lia Colemane 4/5 I love the coding!!

Isyn Fletcher

Isyn Fletcher 2/5 D: But i love itttt <33

Phèdre Eisendhart

Phèdre Eisendhart Got only 3/5, I'm sad (and loving this code!) - I'd say Nike, she's rarely seen, but I think she's great (Love you dad too of course) - Domain I'd say TV Shows, a god/dess of TV Shows would rock, right?

London Triplett

London Triplett 4/5!! idk if i have a favorite olympian, wish i could say hestia but she tech doesn't count :((( i also have such a soft spot for psyche but she's a more minor goddess so. def my fav though, love love love her. i think i'd want a domain similar to psyche's, too, though i highly doubt it's what i'd have.

Anna Davies

Anna Davies 4/5 .Hades is my favorite.I'm not sure about domain

Evan Sherlock

Evan Sherlock 4/5

Inara Yang

Inara Yang I got 3/5 (HOWWW) - I'd say Athena (*cough. Cough*) and I don't know about that last one hmmm

Daphne Adair

Daphne Adair i only got 2/5 right?? i don't believe this (or there are other correct answers imo grr) /lh

favourite olympian god or goddess? welllllll... i really like athena. apollo is sort of a jerk but i'm biased towards music. and ofc artemis slays. so does persephone and demeter and hestia to an extent- basically just about all the women bc hot women.

domaaaaiiin- glitter, arson, chaos. duh. oh and dad jokes.

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