Hunters of Artemis
You have heard about the Hunters of Artemis but do you actually know the Hunters of Artemis?

- From : Cessair Conaghan

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Brielle D'Amore

Brielle D'Amore It's a good decision, but right now my heart is confused, and I don't know if joining would heal my heart.

Naomi Winterfell

Naomi Winterfell This is amazing! I like that there are so many different ways to get this title!

Ines Han

Ines Han One of my goals on site-get HoA hehehe

Nobel Pemberton

Nobel Pemberton Hey I'm ALREADY a Hunter, do I get bonus points?

Charlie Thacher

Charlie Thacher I will once I'm older XD, I've already been 13 for like 3 months now ;-;

April Graham

April Graham Can't already dating but if I wasn't I would

Autumn Silver

Autumn Silver JOIN US LOL

William Wilbert

William Wilbert I’d love to be a hunter, but swearing off love forever? Maybe if I don’t find someone soon, we’ll see…

Inara Yang

Inara Yang :OO I have been motivated to complete undergrad classes :DD

Desdemona Wren

Desdemona Wren I love the HoA! Maybe when I'm a little older, I don't want to be 13 forever! D: But forever 17 the age of the dancing queen....

Amelia Colemane

Amelia Colemane I wish but i'm poor girl!!

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